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Our partner choirs
Whether as a guest or host: we are happy about the numerous national and international choir friendships that we have made at joint concerts, choir tours and competitions.
Especially our international partner choirs show us again and again: music connects - even if you don't speak the same language.

Staccato Coro Universitario UNAM MX
Conducter - Marco Antonio Ugalde

Esperanza Azteca de Puebla/Mexico
Conducter - Uriel Ortega Ortega

Jugendkonzertchor Chorakademie Dortmund
Conducter - Felix Heitmann

Cota Youth Choir Windhoek / Namibia Conducter - Fanie Dorfling
Conducter - Fanie Dorfling

CHORAL DOS CANARINHOS de Itabirito/Brasilien Conducter - Thays Eric Lana
Conducter - Thays Eric Lana

CHORAL DOS CANARINHOS de Petropolis/Brasilien
Conducter - Marco Lischt

VANAJAN NUORISKUORO Hämmenlinna/Finnland
Conducter - Ismo Savimäki

LUYS QUINTETT Jerevan / Armenien

UP YOUTH CHOIR Pretoria / Südafrika
Conducter - Lhente-Mari Pitout
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